Your Support: Telling Stories and Accessible Fashion


From reproductive rights to climate change and Big Tech, The Independent is dedicated to bringing you the latest stories. Our journalists are on the ground, investigating and producing quality content. Your donation helps us continue this important work. At a critical moment in US history, your support makes all the difference.

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Reproductive Rights and Journalism

The Independent is not just about news; it's about shining a light on important issues. Take our latest documentary, 'The A Word', which focuses on American women fighting for reproductive rights. We know how crucial it is to parse out the facts from the messaging. Our reporters are on the front lines, ensuring that you get the full story.Just like in the fight for reproductive rights, our journalism is about standing up for what's right. We believe in providing accurate information and giving a voice to those who need it. Your support allows us to keep doing this important work.

Climate Change and Journalism

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time, and The Independent is committed to covering it. Our journalists are out there, investigating the impacts of climate change and bringing you the stories that matter. Whether it's through in-depth reporting or engaging documentaries, we are dedicated to raising awareness about this global crisis.Your support helps us continue to cover climate change and other important issues. By donating to The Independent, you are investing in a more informed and sustainable future.

Big Tech and Journalism

In the age of Big Tech, it's more important than ever to have independent journalism. The Independent is not influenced by corporate interests; we are here to serve the public. Our journalists are investigating the financials of Elon Musk's pro-Trump PAC and other Big Tech companies to ensure that they are held accountable.Your donation allows us to keep challenging the status quo and providing you with the truth. We believe that quality journalism is essential in a world dominated by Big Tech, and your support helps us make that happen.

British Designer Anya Hindmarch and Uniqlo Collaboration

British designer Anya Hindmarch has once again joined forces with Uniqlo for a covetable collection of knitwear. Her eponymous label is known for its playful and kitsch accessories, from purse-like Neurofen packets to Heinz ketchup keyrings.This latest collaboration offers a range of affordable pieces that still maintain Hindmarch's signature style. From cashmere jumpers to knit gloves and scarves, each piece is infused with humour and detail. The collection features soft cashmere, extra fine merino wool, and Uniqlo's signature heattech fabric, ensuring both comfort and functionality.For example, the Uniqlo x Anya Hindmarch cashmere jumper is made from soft, warm cashmere with a crew neckline, long sleeves, and cuffs with thumb holes. The patch design on the left arm gives it a hand-crafted look, while the googly eyes on the cuff add a fun touch. It's available in statement red and pink, as well as more muted colours.The Uniqlo x Anya Hindmarch merino V-neck cardigan is a winter staple, crafted from extra fine merino wool with a vintage feel. The outside seams and classic Hindmarch googly eyes on the right armhole add to its up-cycled look. It's available in various colours to easily slot into your existing wardrobe.The Uniqlo x Anya Hindmarch cashmere knit beanie is crafted from soft cashmere for extra comfort, with some colourways as fun as the recognisable eye detailing. The Uniqlo x Anya Hindmarch heattech knit scarf comes in vibrant colour blocks and is designed with heattech fabric to lock in heat.The Uniqlo x Anya Hindmarch Heattech socks are made with the same heattech fabric, controlling odours and featuring a ribbed knit stripe and embroidered round eyes. The Uniqlo x Anya Hindmarch cashmere knit gloves are lightweight and cosy, with round eye embroidery on the left hand.The Uniqlo x Anya Hindmarch Heattech kit cap for kids is adorable, with a trapper silhouette, fluffy pom pom, and round eye embroidery. It's designed with heattech fabric to keep them warm in cold weather.And don't forget the Uniqlo x Anya Hindmarch jacket, which comes in navy blue and olive green with pleated sheet padding and a water-repellent finish. It features round eye embroidery and a straight collar for a smart look.With these affordable and stylish pieces, you can add a touch of Hindmarch's signature style to your wardrobe. And with prices starting from just £7.90, it's an opportunity not to be missed.Voucher codes for the latest offers on fashion and more can be found below. Sienna Miller x M&S is the perfect party season capsule – and prices start from £25.

